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Book: Homelands

A story about the land is a story of its people.

Jacob Maentz

Enfolded in the varied landscapes of the Philippine archipelago are communities that have remained rooted to place against great and unrelenting adversity: those whom we call “Indigenous.” For more than a decade, Jacob Maentz (b.1979) paid visits to these communities to listen and learn from within, that is, from the people who have called these lands home since time immemorial.

What unfolds in Homelands is the photographic narrative of Jacob’s continuing collaboration with various Indigenous and historically marginalized groups in the Philippines.

The stories and knowledge that these communities have chosen to share with Maentz as honored guest has indelibly shaped his own journey of unlearning, inviting him to deeply reimagine the intimate, intricate, and inextricable relationships between place and people.

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